Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hey Guys- Yeah- Youse With the Y Chromosome- Listen and Learn

PSA to ALL, I mean ALL men out there:

Women are like phones. They like to be held and talked to. Push a wrong button and you'll be disconnected.

Think about it. I mean really think about it. Sure, it may be a joke one hears from a comedian, but in fact it is a very astute observation and analogy.

Women, as a whole, are very loving and caring creatures. This means that we have hearts and feelings. Yes, yes, yes, we do. We can only take so much before the damage is irreparable.

Sometimes if the man doesn't pay attention to what is right in front of him, he may lose one of the best things he ever had. No matter how the man used to make the woman feel. Pushing that wrong button may just push her out of his life.


  1. Wow!! Marie, I know you have been hurt a lot by the men in your life. I can only hope that I have not pushed the wrong button and made the matter worse for you yesterday.

  2. no biggie, Richard. You have pushed buttons before but not this time!

  3. Very well said, Marie! There have been many times when I have wanted to bitch-slap the mothers of some of these types of men. Just because they are born male, doesn't mean they can't be taught how to be considerate and understanding.

  4. "Remember that it is better to tell the truth to make someone cry, than to tell a lie to make someone smile."
