Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Has It Really Been That Long????

Today marks a major milestone in my life.

More major than when I did my first Century Ride.

More major than when I bought my house.

More major than when I cut my 3 feet long hair.

Not more major than what occured on this day in 1988.

Today, marks the 21st anniversary of the day I first became a mother. Holy crap- T-W-E-N-T-Y-O-N-E. My kiddo, er young adult son, is now of legal drinking age. I could write boohooing about "When did he get so old?" - "I remember when I was ____ with him" (fill in the blank with MOTHER appropriate terms there, peeps- keep it clean) - "Seems like only yesterday", blah blah blah.

Fact is, in spite of the actual age of my eldest, I relish this day, probably more than he does. Well, I'll concede that today he's probably relishing it more than me, as he can now legally purchase alcohol- a MAJOR deal when you're a college kid, er student. Sorry, I digressed into my motherhood mode there for a second.

I relish this day as a celebration of the beginning of this wonderful journey called motherhood. In spite of all that has gone on in my life (I'm sure I'll bore y'all to tears at some point with stories of those events, so I'll hold off for now and spare ya) - there has been one constant. My children. The first child entering this world 21 years ago today, at 3:19PM.

J and I have been through a great deal together. Those of you who know me know some of what I'm talking about. I owe a great deal of who I am today, and even the fact I'm here today, to my son. That is not to say I don't owe each and every one of my children the same honor, because I do. It's just that today is *his* day and I'll point out his importance in my life on his day.

I will say, however, that if not for J, I may not have survived a traumatic event in my life. It was because he was around and needed his mother, that I did not succumb to desires to end God's greatest gift. 1991 was a very dark year for me, but J needed his mother, and she suffered through the depression of the loss of his sister *for* him. They say there is no greater bond than the one between a mother and her son. I am lucky enough to know why someone actually coined that phrase.

Oh- J could tell you story after story about how mean his mother was to him. Like the time I threatened to take a week off of work to "babysit" him in school to ensure he knew how to behave. Miraculously with that threat, he found the behavior button and used it and- poof- no more detention. Imagine that. Or the time he was barred from playing basketball because of his poor grade in English- but mean ole mom took him to the game and had him support his team even though he couldn't play. Hmmmmm.. funny.. the poor grades due to laziness never occured again- wonder why... Or the time I stopped the car after he was yelling at me over something, and I told him to get out and walk home to cool off. (yeah yeah yeah.. it was only about 1/2 mile and it was a gravel private road. so there.. mleh) Or the time he was so spun up, I told him to take a walk around the house to cool off - he said- "I don't have a coat!"- and I replied back- "you'll cool off sooner then, won't you?" - He did cool off.

J could also tell you the stories about all the good things his mother did too. Like hosting a teenaged pool party as the only adult (I removed ALL the liquor from the house- I'm not stupid). Or the time I was with him in the hospital after he broke his leg. Or the present he got for his 17th birthday. Or the present he got me right before he graduated high school.

So, today is the 21st anniversary of my rite of passage to motherhood. This isn't about me, however, this is about my son and his special day. I love you, son. I'm so darned proud to call you my son and even prouder to be your mother. Enjoy your special day and we'll kick it up when I come visit and you can buy your drinks!


  1. Aw! Congratulations to you on reaching your latest milestone! Happy Birth Day, too!

    Also, Happy 21st Birthday to your J!

  2. This almost made me cry mom. Thank you so much for everything you've done for me over the years! It's wierd to think you had me at age 14 lol. But thank you for being such a great mom!

  3. Marie, that was lovely to read. I hear you, too, as my eldest is about to turn 20 and I wonder... WHERE did all that time go!? But, it went into doing all the "mean" things for my son, that you did for yours... and to think you were wise beyond your years, to do so well for your baby-turned school-age-now turned man) child. <3 Much love, and thanks for sharing this with us!

  4. Boy, your eldest is only 21!! You are a spring chicken!!
